Enjoy Working with Samsung SCX-5835FN
Samsung SCX-5835FN falls under the category of laser monochrome printer. It has a maximum duty cycle of 80000 pages per month. It is embedded with a standard memory of 256 MB and supports up to 512 MB. It also features a Hard disk drive of 80 GB size. The unit is fitted with a copier of a maximum copying speed of 35 pages per minute on a maximum copying resolution of 1200 x 1200 dpi. The copier delivers its first copy in 9.5 seconds and features functions such as ID card copy, 4-up, and 2-up.
Samsung SCX-5835FN prints documents at a maximum speed of 35 pages per minute on a maximum printing resolution of 1200 x 1200 dpi. The printer features printing language such as TIFF, PostScript 3, PDF 1.4, PCL 6, and PCL 5e. The unit is compatible with operating systems such as MS Windows XP, MS Windows 2000, Linux, MS Windows Server 2003, MS Windows Vista, Apple Mac OS X 10.3 - 10.5, and MS Windows Server 2008.
Samsung SCX-5835FN emits a noise level of 39 dB when idle and 54 dB when operational. It has an ADF of 50 sheets capacity, a paper cassette of 500 sheets capacity, a bypass tray of 50 sheets capacity, and an output tray of 250 sheets capacity.
Samsung SCX-5835FN Operating System Compatibility:
- Windows 10 (32bit)/ Windows 10 (64bit)
- Windows 8.1(32bit)/ Windows 8.1 (64bit)
- Windows 8 (32bit)/ Windows 8 (64bit)
- Windows 7 (32bit)/ Windows 7 (64bit)
- Windows Vista (32bit)/ Windows Vista
- Windows XP/ 2003/ 2008 R2/ 2008 W32/ 2008 x64/ 2008 Small Business/ 2008 Itanium/ 2008 Foundation Edition/ 2008 Essential Business/ 2012
If you want to download a driver or software for Samsung SCX-5835FN, you must click on download links that we have provided in this table below. If you find any broken link or some problem with this printer please contact our team by using the contact form that we have provided.
Operating System | Version | Download |
SCX-5835FN Series Print Driver Windows (32-bit/ 64-bit) | V3.12 | Download |
SCX-5835FN Series Print Driver (UNIVERSAL) | V3.03 | Download |
SCX-5835FN Series Scan Driver (SOFTWARE) | V3.21 | Download |
How to Install Software and Driver for Samsung SCX-5835FN
Samsung SCX-5835FN Manual Installation Guides
Here are 4 easy steps for setting up your Samsung driver printer in order to be operated on your windows:
- After the download complete, you can do process to install the Samsung SCX-5835FN driver on your computer. Find out where the downloaded file has been saved. And click A driver file’s name usually ends with "exe" extension.
- The second step, you can right-click on it then choose “Run as Administrator” or just either double-click on it. Then wait a few seconds while the Samsung SCX-5835FN driver file extracted. After the extraction completed, then go to the next step.
- The process of installation may begin at the time when you followed all of the instructions shown on your device screen. You must follow all of the instructions to install the driver on your device correctly.
- After following three steps above the Samsung SCX-5835FN printer is ready to use.
How to Uninstall Software and Driver for Samsung SCX-5835FN
Samsung SCX-5835FN Manual Uninstallation Guides
To uninstall your Samsung SCX-5835FN driver, just follow the 4 steps below:
- Click Start menu on your device.
- Find out Control Panel, for window 8 or 10 you can search "Control Panel" in "search window" box. Look into the “Program” menu and select “Uninstall a program.”
- All of the applications installed on your device will be shown. Find the Samsung SCX-5835FN driver. You may either input the name of the program on the available search bar.
- The last steps, just Double-click on the Samsung SCX-5835FN and click “Uninstall/Change”. And then, keep following the instructions will show pop up on the screen correctly.